Follow Your Truly!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

The Jingle Jangle Red Army


You ever get annoyed at the Salvation Army (which are starting their own militia in a matter of days with the money they get, you watch!) pricks shaking their little dinner bells like a crazed Jackalope on crack?

How 'bout as soon as you get closer to them, they start with the whole body-shake-bell-ring to get your attention; like you couldn't hear the fuckin' bell from your car as you were on the Interstate! Now the "Red Army" has to stand in our way and go in to convulsive croppy-flop fits in order to weed a quarter out of us? What the hell?! We know you're there! We dread it each year! Christ man! All I want is to get my damn toothpaste so I don't knock the poor soul over that's standing next to me with my horrendous ass breath!

Oh sure the first couple of times it's kinda' neat to give some loose change or even a bill because after all, that's what the holidays are all about. However, we must all have very simplistic, unfocused minds to not remember that every year some half-crazed fuck-chop decked out in red standing along with their kids (to get them involved with helping people or something), begin shaking that damn bell for money.

If you go to you'll see a breakdown of how their funds are spent. You'll have to download an Adobe spreadsheet and it takes quite a bit of time to actually view it, but it's all there. Of course the information is padded because they don't really want to come right out and say, "Shit, man...we just want your fuckin' money so we can get another butler at my 15,000 foot 'cabin."

Yes the Salvation Army does good. Yes they assist people who aren't as well off as others. And yes they're a Right Wing Christian Zealot Militia that only gives 33% of its funds to the needy. What the hell are they doing with the rest? must go to God. My bad.

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