Follow Your Truly!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Detox From Hell

I'm currently doing a 10 day Metabolic Detox to cleanse my entire body of garbage. Man does it suck! If a person can stick with it, they'll be able to do anything in life because right now, I need a burger. Maybe some Chinese food. Perhaps a piece of toast.
For the 10 days, you slowly eliminate meat, dairy, gluten, nuts and rice to where (and I'm at this point now), you are only eating apples, pears and cruciferous veggies like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and brussel sprouts (but seriously, who the hell wants to eat brussel sprouts?) along with raw greens like lettuce, romaine and spinach. Then you slowly add it all back in. This will allow your body to adjust and keep you from getting "the bends."
I'm salad'd out man! Salads fruits and veggies.
They also don't tell you the amount of bathroom time you'll be executing. Christ's sakes! It's like Olestra all over again! And the gas. My God the gas! They don't tell you about that either.
I don't know how vegetarians do it. Anyone that says they're a vegetarian I'll say, "oh, so you have tremendous stinky gas, eh?" Yuck. Pigs.
But, I'm already on day 5 today and I'm done this coming Saturday.
Good times!

1 comment:

Brandon said...

Hey Dan,

So do you wanna grab a burger and a beer tonight?!

J/K Sounds like this does suck. I remember after I went through my colonoscopy hell-prep I thought it may be a good once a year kind of thing to get your system cleaned out. But it sounds like you have it all planned out to a "T" Good luck in your Gaseous adventures!
