Follow Your Truly!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Dig it!

I'm using Trebuchet for Font. You dig? Funny, Trebuchet is a kick-ass catapult so in some regards I'm "throwing" this Blog in yo' face!
With that out of the way...
I planted some veggies (organic of course as I'm so pathetically anal about the foods I eat - organic seeds, soil, top soil and veggie food), a little over a week ago and they are sprouting and having a gay ol' time! Where I live it's impossible to have a in-ground garden so I have 5 potted veggie plants along my home. Oh, and two pots with marigolds my children helped plant. They're so proud.
My veggies comprise of:
Sugar Snap Peas
Green Beans
I find myself caring for them as I would a child. Making sure they have enough sun, water, humidity, shade and of course, keeping my neighbor's bunny out of it all. Rat bastard. The house will soon be munching on the best of the best.
I'm pumped!!!

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