Follow Your Truly!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


My children don't speak these days. They don't speak to each other or to their mother; except my daughter. She speaks to her mother.
I never wanted this. The most important thing has always been family and now, that family unit is gone.
I have five children ranging in age of 52 to 39 and all of them are so different in personalities it was almost inevitable they stop talking sooner or later without some glue holding them together. One would think history and common interests would be that glue but apparently not.
All of us working on food in the kitchen. Smoking sausage outside and playing yard games brought the most laughs out of us.
I wish I could do something about this but I'm gone now, having died of a stroke some eight years ago. I know there are those that miss me and those, not so much. I hope my children pass on what they've learned to their children. In that way, I'm truly never gone.

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