Follow Your Truly!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


My children don't speak these days. They don't speak to each other or to their mother; except my daughter. She speaks to her mother.
I never wanted this. The most important thing has always been family and now, that family unit is gone.
I have five children ranging in age of 52 to 39 and all of them are so different in personalities it was almost inevitable they stop talking sooner or later without some glue holding them together. One would think history and common interests would be that glue but apparently not.
All of us working on food in the kitchen. Smoking sausage outside and playing yard games brought the most laughs out of us.
I wish I could do something about this but I'm gone now, having died of a stroke some eight years ago. I know there are those that miss me and those, not so much. I hope my children pass on what they've learned to their children. In that way, I'm truly never gone.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Dig it!

I'm using Trebuchet for Font. You dig? Funny, Trebuchet is a kick-ass catapult so in some regards I'm "throwing" this Blog in yo' face!
With that out of the way...
I planted some veggies (organic of course as I'm so pathetically anal about the foods I eat - organic seeds, soil, top soil and veggie food), a little over a week ago and they are sprouting and having a gay ol' time! Where I live it's impossible to have a in-ground garden so I have 5 potted veggie plants along my home. Oh, and two pots with marigolds my children helped plant. They're so proud.
My veggies comprise of:
Sugar Snap Peas
Green Beans
I find myself caring for them as I would a child. Making sure they have enough sun, water, humidity, shade and of course, keeping my neighbor's bunny out of it all. Rat bastard. The house will soon be munching on the best of the best.
I'm pumped!!!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

"Burnsville Scout leader guilty of sex assault"

On the front page of the Pioneer Press there's a news story about some scummy 46 year old who assaulted a former scout while he was scout leader.
I'm an eye for an eye kinda' guy and don't think this putz should sit in a cell for the 30 years he received.
All of this is horrible as I have two children and wouldn't hesitate to take matters in to my own hands even if it meant I sat in jail.
With all of this though...haven't any of you even watched South Park?! There's an episode where Big Gay Al is the Scout leader and the residents of South Park don't want a gay guy watching over their kids. They of course have no problem when he's fired and a military style dude takes over the Scout troop. And of course this guy has them all take pictures of their dusseldorfs.
Watch South Park and edgamacate yerselves.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Detox From Hell

I'm currently doing a 10 day Metabolic Detox to cleanse my entire body of garbage. Man does it suck! If a person can stick with it, they'll be able to do anything in life because right now, I need a burger. Maybe some Chinese food. Perhaps a piece of toast.
For the 10 days, you slowly eliminate meat, dairy, gluten, nuts and rice to where (and I'm at this point now), you are only eating apples, pears and cruciferous veggies like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and brussel sprouts (but seriously, who the hell wants to eat brussel sprouts?) along with raw greens like lettuce, romaine and spinach. Then you slowly add it all back in. This will allow your body to adjust and keep you from getting "the bends."
I'm salad'd out man! Salads fruits and veggies.
They also don't tell you the amount of bathroom time you'll be executing. Christ's sakes! It's like Olestra all over again! And the gas. My God the gas! They don't tell you about that either.
I don't know how vegetarians do it. Anyone that says they're a vegetarian I'll say, "oh, so you have tremendous stinky gas, eh?" Yuck. Pigs.
But, I'm already on day 5 today and I'm done this coming Saturday.
Good times!